Club News

Recreational Fishing For Atlantic Salmon (In Maine….)

We at the Veazie Salmon Club are continuing to collaborate constructively with local, State, and Federal groups and agencies. Maine had our recreational Atlantic Salmon Fisheries immediately shut down in the flip of a pen cap over 17 years ago. Since then hundreds of millions of dollars have poured into Maine Atlantic Salmon research programs […]

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April Club Meeting Speaker Announced – pending COV19 group gathering restrictions lifted by April 23rd

Let’s cross our fingers that the corona virus driven group gathering restrictions are lifted by April 23rd!  The Veazie Salmon Club is proud to announce the Monthly Meeting Speaker,  Danielle M. Frechette. Danielle M. Frechette completed her PhD studies at the Eau Terre Environnement Centre , Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in July 2019. Her […]

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Club Event Calendar Quiet for a Few Weeks

In light of the recent global pandemic it is with sadness that The Veazie Salmon Club is cancelling all meetings & gatherings until further notice. The river is still open for fishing and no better way to “self-isolate” than with your fishing pole! Water levels are going to drop fast this spring and lakes locally […]

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Roger’s Salmon

The Silver Salmon points to the wind Against clearing or stormy sky And gazes toward heaven with vigilance Spinning yet holding it’s lie   Bright link to the past, helps memories last Of members who’ve bid us good-bye The Salmon swings to point to them all With caring and watchful eye   It points to […]

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Don’t Miss Emily Bastian Present Thursday March 28th at the Veazie Salmon Club!    Open to the Public starts @ 5:30PM  

Emily is an active Board Member for the Native Fish Coalition and will be presenting on the many threats facing our native fish including salmonids and the most effective ways to combat those threats.  The Native Fish Coalition’s intent is to find common ground wherever possible and work with as many organizations, government agencies, businesses and […]

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Catch & Release Season for Atlantic Salmon?

On behalf of The Veazie Salmon Club and a very large contingent of sportsmen across our State. Specifically reaching out to plead for your support in helping Maine overturn the Endangered Species listing on the Atlantic Salmon and move it to a “Threatened” listing. The argument is the original Endangered listing for Atlantic Salmon was […]

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Thursday Jan24th VSC Meeting! Make Plans Now!

This Thursday January 24th is the first Veazie Salmon Club Meeting of 2019!  In addition to members we are also inviting non-members interested in the Club to join us. Plan on some social time and a bite to eat together from 5:30- 6:30. If we can get your RSVP it sure helps with food prep […]

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