Club News

Peter Gray Parr Project

The Experimental Method That Might Just Save Maine’s Salmon    

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Veazie Salmon Club Scholarship

Veazie Salmon Club Offers Undergraduate Fisheries Scholarship at UMaine The Veazie Salmon Club Undergraduate Fisheries Scholarship This scholarship was established at the University of Maine in 1999 with a gift from the Veazie Salmon Club. It will be used for scholarship assistance to a second-, third- or fourth-year student with a fisheries concentration or major, or […]

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Penobscot River Salmon Run Surges for Second Straight Year

July 28, 2020 After dam removals and fish passage improvements, endangered Atlantic salmon are continuing to return to Maine’s Penobscot River in encouraging numbers. In encouraging news, preliminary* numbers of endangered Atlantic salmon returning to Maine’s Penobscot River for 2020 are the highest since 2011. On July 28, Maine’s Department of Marine Resources reported 1,426 salmon returns, up from […]

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2020 Salmon & Shad Returns News

Fish are thriving in the Penobscot as shad returns shatter record

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Senator King Responds to Atlantic Salmon Listing Change

Click here to read full letter from Senator King

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Veazie Salmon Club Wants a Catch & Release Season for Atlantic Salmon

Recently a letter went out to Maine’s Congressional leaders asking for support to help move the Federal “Endangered” listing to “Threatened”. Following  is the letter.  Hope this note finds you well! You are receiving this letter on behalf of The Veazie Salmon Club and a very large contingent of sportsmen across our State. Specifically reaching […]

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Final 2020 Maine DMR Fish Counts !!!!

See below link!  2020 DMR Fish Counts

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Pete Rose Signed Bat

Read this interesting article in which is the story of Pete Rose and his bat donation to the Veazie Salmon Club! It is a .pdf so click to open. Rose Bat

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